Friday, April 27, 2012

The things students do to study for school

Many students have the same ways of studying, but at the same time each person is unique. I decided to write this article because I thought it would be interesting to find out about some of the out of the ordinary things that students may do to study for classes by posting this question on Yahoo Answers; "What are some things that you do to study for something that may seem odd to others?"

There are three different types of learning styles known as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Some sutdents may have one style they prefer much more than the others, and so using the styles it isbest to study in certain ways. Auditory learners may study best by listening to recorded lectures or reading outloud. Reading outloud may also work for visual learners because it is learned in two different ways. Kinesthetic learners usually learn things by using their hands and many motions that may be associated with the lesson. students usually have to find their own unique ways of studying or things to do while studying in order to help them do so.

Some of the other students who answered my post had some very unique things that they said they do when they study.

Food seems to help some of us. Georgia Branan, one of the students who answered the post, says, "to help me study and remeber things, I get a banana and I say one word at a time and then take a bite." This can be an example of both auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles. By hearing herself and involving movement, Georgia and other students who learn by using both retain the information better than just one of the ways.

Some students may also do something that does not involve food. In stead it can involve different noises that don't have to relate to the lesson at all. Joe York, a high school senior who answered the post said, "I listen to music and just read or do it and because of music it's relaxing and I'm able to do it better as I'm not all tensed up and just relax and listen to it and not too focused on it." I personally have to have noise around me. Most of the time I have people talking to each other in the same room in order to be able to focus on my studies.

no matter what you do As long as it works for you it will always help you get a better grad

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Health Issues Final Exams may Cause

Every student who has to take a final exam knows just how stressful final exams can be.  compared to their normal consumption. However not many people know about the health risks that last minute studying for final exams can cause. Many college students try to pull an all-nighter to get a better grade, but the fact is that sleep deprivation, even for one night, does not help the grade at all and can even make it worse because there is a loss of alertness. According to the Food and Drug Administration in their article "Medicines in my Home: Caffeine and Your Body, caffeine "changes the way your brain and body work and changes how you behave and feel." 

While it is commonly known that the Caffeine helps college students pull off an all-nighter or stay awake during classes, it also has some adverse and annoying and adverse side affects. Caffeine can often times give people the jitters or feel very shaky and jumpy. It also prevents getting a goodnight sleep by making it hard for a person to fall asleep or even to just stay asleep.

Leishman, Ron. Tired Man Falling Asleep While Studying. Clipart Of. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.
Although caffeine has different affects on everyone, drinking too much of it can be dangerous. It can cause a person to have heart palpitations. In other words it makes the heart beat faster and to worker harder then it should have to. This doesn't directly cause a heart attack, but in rare cases it may cause blood clots which in turn do cause heart attacks. Also having these heart palpitations constantly for a long period of time can cause the heart to grow to an abnormally larger size. Caffeine can also cause a person to temporarily have high blood pressure and even have some dizziness. It can also make dehydrated because it is diuretic drug. Also because it is a drug, women who are pregnant or who plan to become pregnant, just like any other drug, should consult their doctor about if it is safe for them. according to the FDA, "Most experts feel that using small amounts of caffeine during pregnancy is safe, but larger amounts of caffeine can be harmful during pregnancy."

Caffeine also does not just affect a persons heart rate, it also affects the brain. For college students, among other people, it gives a sort of mental alertness that takes affect aproximately 15 minutes after it has been consumed. According to Jamie Hale, journalist for, "It is often cited for its positive effects on vigilance, mental alertness, feeling of well-being and arousal." However she also continues to say, "Moderate doses of caffeine — 200-300 mg — often are used in research, although doses over 500 mg sometimes are used. The general finding is that more than moderate use does not offer additional benefits, and higher doses sometimes lead to negative effects." So if a college student plans on pulling an all-nighter that they should watch how much they try to do this and how much caffeine they consume.